Certified Transaction Coordinator (CTC)



As a transaction coordinator, one of your responsibilities is to keep track of key dates and deadlines in the transaction process. This includes important milestones such as the due diligence period, the loan contingency period, and the closing date. By keeping track of these dates, you can help ensure that the transaction stays on track and that all parties are aware of important deadlines.

To help keep things running smoothly, you will receive notifications of these key dates and deadlines. This helps to ensure that you are prepared for any necessary actions that need to be taken, such as submitting documents or scheduling inspections.

In addition, all parties to the transaction will receive reminders to keep the transaction running smoothly. This helps to ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities and that the transaction proceeds smoothly. By keeping everyone informed and up-to-date, I can help to minimize any delays or issues that may arise during the transaction process